Here is my first review. It isn't a mystery but we all have to eat and occasionally have to cook. To help with that I reviewed a cookbook that is more than a cookbook. For those of you authors, Martha is great at featuring authors on her blog. You just need to include a recipe with your book information. You can contact her at http://stirlaughrepeat. blogspot.com/
Over the holidays I read Stir, Laugh, Repeat, Finding Joy While Playing in the Kitchen by Martha A. Cheves. I must admit I have never in my life read a cook book from cover to cover but this is much more than a cookbook but a way of making people happy (and wanting to make them and eat.) Not only is it filled with recipes that use ingredients that are staples in most kitchens or better yet leftovers, the recipes are in small quantities for couples or singles. That is where most cookbooks would stop. (Did I mention you will want to eat?) Martha goes on to provide antidotes about her cooking, the trial and error that went into each recipe and information on her tasters. Those anecdotes kept me reading as did the marvelous tips after each recipe. Some I knew, some I didn’t, but they are all gems to help the newer cooks and well versed cooks on the menu. Martha is a southern belle and it is clear in many of her recipes from Boiled Peanuts to Collards. She also loves cooking and experimenting which is why many of her recipes offer the key ingredient to any cooking – love. Pick up Martha’s Stir, Laugh, Repeat and there is something in there for everyone who spends any time in a kitchen or family.
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